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4 Side Shelf

400 X 350 X 1650(H)

5,600,000 won

한국의 전통가구인 사방탁자를 재해석한 가구입니다. 층널을 유리로 하여 선적인 요소가 강조되어 보다 입체적인 구조미를 감상할 수 있습니다. 각 보와 기둥은 제비촉 장부(Swallow Beak wood joint) 와 이방연귀(2-WAY Miter wood joint)로 체결되었습니다.

This is a reinterpretation of Korean traditional furniture, the four-sided table. You can enjoy a more three-dimensional structural beauty by emphasizing the linear elements by making the floor boards of glass. Each beam and column was secured with a Swallow Beak wood joint and a 2-WAY Miter wood joint.



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남한산성점 | 경기도 광주시 남한산성면 오전길 24-23 1층 (12703)

24-23, Ojeon-gil, Namhansanseong-myeon, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, 12703

서울노들점 | 서울시 동작구 노량진로 26길 11 1층 (06908)

11, Noryangjin-ro 26-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 06908

© Kobeomsuk Furniture all rights reserved

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